
Jersey Reds Statement


The representatives of Jersey Reds are deeply disturbed by the significant amount of disinformation
being circulated, including that in the Bailiwick Express article of yesterday. Gordon Crawford and
Mark Chown are not and have never been directors of the operational club. They are directors of the
new company whose sole purpose was to raise funds from benefactors and pass it on to the club. The
article leaked to the Express yesterday is defamatory as well as being factually incorrect.

While it is clearly the States’ decision to back the Reds or not, it is entirely unnecessary and simply
vindictive to attempt to malign the individuals concerned. These people have invested an enormous
amount of their own time and in some cases millions of £’s over many years to help create what has
become an iconic Jersey brand. Nobody has been paid a single penny for their work – nor would they
expect to be. Volunteers should be cherished, not victimised.

With regards the outstanding items around deferred taxes and the Covid loan, these are items have
been through due process with and agreed by government and are like the support offered by
government to many businesses in Jersey.

In June 2022 the club voted to support the split of the professional and amateur clubs. This has been
effected and the amateur club is debt free and owns the assets at St Peter.
In order to sustain professional rugby investors/benefactors provided about £1,000,000 in funding
for the 2022/23 season, out of £1,500,000 committed over a three-year period. In the event despite
meetings with 30+ potential HNW investors in the last year further funding proved difficult to obtain.
GOJ were asked for support in the June-October period in order for the Reds to confirm additional
funding which was under discussion. Pledges of £500k+ for the 2023/24 season were received but
were contingent on GOJ support. When GOJ declined the final £350k support on 27.9.23. this
funding fell away and the directors of Jersey Rugby Club (Trading) Ltd resolved to cease trading on
27.9.23. to protect the interests of all creditors.

The organisation’s accounts are up to date. These have been consistently and openly shared with
Government ahead of them granting any tax deferrals, loans, or grants. The latest example of this is
the open sharing of financial data with Officers and Santander to facilitate the Santander review
which Government requested of Santander in June 2023 . This engagement by Government also
superceded Lucy Stephenson’s January letter, we believe.
We understand Lucy Stephenson stated yesterday that we have been rejecting offers to meet with her,
this is untrue. The last meeting we had with her was in November 2022. We have received no requests
to meet with her since then. And in the two recent meetings with Ministers, she did not even bother to
turn up even though others joined remotely. It seems strange that a Sports Minister would show so little
interest in interacting with what is the Island’s pre-eminent sports club, particularly where there so much
government financial involvement.

Kirsten Morell refused to provide an update of the decision of the 19.9.23. Council of Ministers,
despite 2 email requests, until 8 days after the decision was taken. Even then, he provided it to an
incorrect party who was not an officer of the Jersey Rugby Club (Trading) Ltd which was the vehicle to
which the government was providing funding. This failure to provide any update immediately,
effectively condemned the Reds to cease trading as there was no time to find an alternative solution
with just hours left until funds were required to pay wages, An update on day one would have at least
given the Reds a chance to try to bridge the gap.


The Reds





12 Oct 2023


Why not come and chillout in the ‘Watering Hole’ before the game? A full-bar and food is available and you can enjoy some live music after the game.

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