With just over a month until the end of the season, it's time to
make plans for the Siam Cup, which will be held in Guernsey on
Saturday May 3rd.
Four adult games will take place that day, with the Siam Cup for
1st XVs preceded by the Nash (Veterans') and Fallaize
(2nd teams), as well as the Ladies' Siam. - The Academy
games against Guernsey are due to take place on a separate weekend
in April.
Return travel is available with Condor Ferries, with supporters
and players from all teams, as well as officials, all travelling
back together on the Saturday evening after the rugby.
The outward Condor crossing leaves St Helier at 11.00, and the
journey takes an hour to St Peter Port. The return crossing leaves
St Peter Port at 18.20, and is a more leisurely crossing, due to
arrive back in St Helier at 20.20.
Supporters wishing to secure their place on the boat should book
online at www.condorferries.com . Condor is currently
quoting day-return prices of £30 for adults and £20 for children
(aged 4-15 inclusive). Watch out for details during April about
coach travel for supporters between the port and Footes Lane.